Now a days a lot of peoples are choosing Freelancing as an Occupation. A recent survey showed that Most of the British fresh graduates like Freelancing as their profession. Odesk is one of the most popular virtual marketplace where freelancers looking for job. To get a job from Odesk Freelancers need to apply for the job first. That application called Cover letter. There are some tips and tricks that should maintain during submitting the cover letter.
- Read Odesk’s terms and conditions carefully so that you know what you should do in Odesk and what you should not.
- Before applying Make your profile shines. Fine tune regularly and update your experience because Client will check your profile before award the job.
- Before apply for the job read carefully the job description. Understand what client asking for. Make clear sense about job details and compare with your skills weather it is fit for you or not. Do not simply choose the job that is not match with your skills.
- Attend some skill tests that are most relevant to your skills. It will give Client more confident about you and it is very important for you to be highlighted as well.
- Start your cover letter with address the client by Hi, Hello, Dear Hiring Manager, Hi following his/her name etc.
- Make your cover letter as short as possible, more informative, share some links if there is any to show your previous work history. Remember that do not make your cover letter too long. It will bother the client.
- Do not include any contact information in your cover letter. It is against Odesk’s terms and condition.
- Tell about your expertise, how long you spent in online regularly, your availability for the position.
- Express your skills confidently. Should not simply write about any skills that you do not have because later the client might interview you then you will not able to answer the questions.
- Make sure that in your cover letter there is no grammatical errors.
- Do not copy paste the cover letter. Always write unique cover letter for different job.
- In your cover letter tell more about your expertise so that the client will have more confident on you. But should not tell anything that you are not.
- End your cover letter by giving thanks to the client after that write down your name over there.
- Try to be active online as much time as possible because any time client might contact you and you should not miss the chance to communicate with the client.
- Always remember to be honest to the client. Money is not a big matter in online market place. Your attitude, honesty, approaches and above this skills are the key matter here. By using these virtues you can make a long term relation with any client.
- Try to be truthful to the clients and if you do so, sometimes you might get bonus from the client then you will be surprise!!!!
Best of Luck and happy bidding in odesk or elance!!!!!!